Personalized Care

We are all unique individuals and we a have specific way we experience life and the symptoms of illnesses. It is also known that we do not respond to medicines and situations in the exact same way. This can be observed in individuals who may share the same diagnosis or who are experiencing similar symptoms.

For example, if you have a cough, you might describe it as deep in your chest, dry with a raw throat, and lots of mucus. Meanwhile your friend, spouse or child might describe the cough as annoying, choking, painful and keeps them up all night. A different homeopathic remedy is indicated for each of these individuals. One that is specific and similar to their unique experience of the cough.  


Types of Care

There are two types of care in Homeopathy; Acute or Constitutional.

An Acute condition is described as a short, self-limiting condition that has a beginning, a middle and an end. A person is experiencing symptoms that are not part of their everyday life. They can be traumas and injuries, toxic or environmental exposures or infectious illnesses. They can present in the forms of headaches, common cold, fever, flu, allergy attacks, sinus or ear infections, sunburn, or injury.  

Constitutional care is for conditions that are described as chronic patterns of symptoms that have been present for some time. These are long-standing and in some cases life long conditions that don’t resolve on their own. Chronic conditions benefiting from Constitutional care range from anxiety, depression, chronic pain, fatigue, behavior disorders, ADD/ADHD, arthritis, allergies, digestive and bowel complaints, inflammation, skin issues, insomnia, chronic cough, toe fungus, warts, acne and more. 


Who can benefit from Homeopathy?

The answer is simple, everyone.

Homeopathy is used to assist and support the individual, not a specific illness. That is why everyone can benefit.

Homeopathic remedies, when used as directed, are completely safe. From infants to senior citizens, including pregnant and nursing women, and persons with special needs.

Homeopathic remedies have none of the side effects of many over the counter and prescription medications, are produced in homeopathic pharmacies with FDA oversight, and are affordable.  

How Homeopathy works

Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, the principle of “like treats like”, which states that a substance that causes a healthy person to experience symptoms can be used to treat someone who is ill and experiencing those same symptoms.   

For example:

Peeling an onion can cause burning, watery eyes, a runny nose and sneezing.  These are symptoms some people experience in a common cold or allergy attack.  The homeopathic remedy Allum cepa, made from the red onion, is given to recover from cold and allergy attacks with a similar presentation.  

My role as Homeopath is to determine which homeopathic remedy is “most similar” to the collective of your symptoms and suffering. We do this through a homeopathic consultation. Consultations are done by meeting in person at my office, via phone or a video conferencing such as Zoom or FaceTime